Book Consultation


  • Sales GTM Playbook

    Build a comprehensive winning sales playbook so that you can scale my sales efforts effectively.

  • Sales Process Optimization

    Optimize your sales processes to  increase conversion and revenue.

  • Sales Team Training

    Transform your sales team to consistently hit your growth targets.

  • Fractional Sales Leadership

    Hire an experienced sales leader on a part-time basis to join your leadership team and navigate your company through the complexities of its growth stage.

  • Recruiting and Staffing

    Elevate your revenue team with elite talent tailored to drive growth and success. Comment end

Trusted by innovative startups to solve their sales challenges

“Jon has been instrumental in helping our sales efforts get off the ground & lined up for profitability.”

Marat Safir, Co-Founder @ Statera


“I highly recommend Jon to any organization looking for a leader to solve challenging sales problems and build out a team and processes”

George Vogelei, Chief Growth Officer @ Cove


“We saw the fruits of Jon’s counsel immediately as our win rate and follow up response rate have both increased significantly. ”

Mike Netzer, VP of Sales @ DatacenterHawk


Let’s scale your SaaS sales

Piece together the perfect sales strategy for sustainable growth.

Key Benefits

  1. Proven Sales Processes

  2. Scalable Growth Strategies

  3. Tailored Solutions for SaaS Startups