
Sales Process Optimization

Choose from our à la carte services to address your unique sales hurdles.


Are you facing specific challenges in your sales process?


Select from these à la carte services to tackle your unique sales hurdles.

GTM Value Messaging

Power Statement development • Social Proof Messaging strategies • Custom Sales Deck creation and implementation • Ideal Customer Profile and persona development • Discovery Call Framework • Product Demo Messaging optimization

Hiring Top Sales Performers

Custom sales interview process design • Candidate scorecard creation and implementation• Personal candidate vetting (separate hourly rate/bundle)

Sales Team Structure

Develop an efficient and scalable sales team structure that maximizes productivity and supports your growth objectives

Compensation Plan

Create a motivating compensation structure that aligns with your business goals and drives desired sales behaviors.

Territory Design

Optimize your market coverage with a strategic territory plan that balances workload and maximizes sales potential across regions

"We struggled with focus and needed help understanding what was important to focus on and how to best execute. Jon provided both immediate tactical changes we could make and long term strategies we could implement to improve our effectiveness.

— Mike Netzer, VP of Sales @ DatacenterHawk

Ready to optimize your sales process?

Schedule a consultation to discuss how which services can help tackle your unique sales hurdles.

Complementary Services

  • Sales GTM Playbook

    Build a comprehensive winning sales playbook so that you can scale my sales efforts effectively.

  • Sales Team Training

    Transform your sales team to consistently hit your growth targets.

  • Fractional Sales Leadership

    Hire an experienced sales leader on a part-time basis to join your leadership team and navigate your company through the complexities of its growth stage.

  • Recruiting and Staffing

    Elevate your revenue team with elite talent tailored to drive growth and success.